Amandus: Simulations based on multilevel Schwarz methods
Amandus: Simulations based on multilevel Schwarz methods Documentation

Karl Hermann Amandus Schwarz

Amandus is a platform for solving mixed element problems based on the software library deal.II. It is named after Hermann Amandus Schwarz, who invented the alternating Schwarz method and whose name is commemorated in the inequality named after him, Bunyakovsky, and Cauchy in varying combinations.

The purpose of Amandus is enabling the solution of PDE problems without much prior knowledge of C++ or deal.II. To this end, Amandus encapsulates the data handling in its own classes and the user is only burdened with modifying local integrators and the generated mesh. Indeed, a lot of local local integrators are implemented in amandus and they are in subdirectories labeled by the name of the model. See for instance the namespaces LaplaceIntegrators, StokesIntegrators, Elasticity, Advection, or AllenCahn. For files using them, check out Examples.

Installation instructions are in the file at the top level of the Amandus directory hierarchy. deal.II has to be installed before. Since we are developing the latter as well, you will usually need the developer version available on github.

The solvers in Amandus are either using UMFPACK or are based on multilevel overlapping Schwarz methods. Ideally, a program written with the help of Amandus consists only of a short driver file and functions which integrate a residual and a matrix on cells and faces of a mesh.

Please refer to the "Modules" tab above for a structured overview of this package.