Amandus: Simulations based on multilevel Schwarz methods
Todo List
Class AmandusApplication< dim, RELAXATION >

: Straighten up the interface, make private things private

: Create interface for ParameterHandler to set parameters for control, possibly select solver and other parameters

Class AmandusApplicationSparse< dim >

: Straighten up the interface, make private things private, protected things protected

: Create interface for ParameterHandler to set parameters for control, possibly select solver and other parameters

Member AmandusApplicationSparse< dim >::error (dealii::BlockVector< double > &out, const dealii::AnyData &in, const AmandusIntegrator< dim > &integrator)
Improve the interface to determine the number of errors from the integrator an resize the vector.
Member AmandusApplicationSparse< dim >::estimate (const dealii::AnyData &in, AmandusIntegrator< dim > &integrator)
: Make sure it takes an AnyData with a vector called "solution".
Member main ()

The code does't compile. Correct it and finish the code description.

The code does't compile. Correct it and finish the code description.