Universität Heidelberg HGS MATCH IWR

16th European Finite Element Fair 2018

June 8 - 9, 2018, Mathematikon, Heidelberg

The 16th European Finite Element Fair will be held at Heidelberg University. It will be hosted in the new Mathematikon building on the science campus Im Neuenheimer Feld.

The conference will begin June 8th at 14:00 (on-site registration opening at 12:30) and end June 9th in the afternoon.


In order to help with preparations, we would like to ask participants to register in advance by email to sekretariat.kanschat@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de with subject EFEF 2018 Registration. Please indicate in your email whether you plan to

  1. give a presentation,
  2. participate in the conference dinner.
Registration and participation is free. Nevertheless, we will have to ask you to pay for your dinner. We have not chosen a restaurant yet and will post more information as soon as it is available.

Please, register for participation and dinner by April 8th, 2018, even if you are not sure about giving a talk

Please follow the link for accommodation above to learn about hotel options.

Local Organizers

The EFEF Meetings

The European Finite Element Fair (EFEF) is an annual series of completely informal small workshops throughout Europe with equal initial conditions for each speaker. EFEF provides a platform for high-level discussions on current research on finite element approximation, in the broadest sense, of partial differential equations. Authors are encouraged to present one new idea rather than review a full research project. In this spirit, the communication of recent and new results, even not yet published, is very welcome. A few, but strict, rules apply to EFEF in order to distinguish it from existing workshops and minisymposia in the field.

Format of the Meeting

European Organizing Committee

Christine Bernardi     Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Daniele Boffi     Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Carsten Carstensen     Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
Alexandre Ern     ENPC and INRIA, Paris, France
Stig Larsson     Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden
Ilaria Perugia     University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Christoph Schwab     ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Rolf Stenberg     Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Previous Finite Element Fairs

EFEF 2017: Milano
EFEF 2016: Bonn
EFEF 2015: Praha
EFEF 2014: Wien
EFEF 2013: Heraklion
EFEF 2012: Bilbao
EFEF 2011: Paris (joint FE Fair/Circus/ Rodeo)
EFEF 2010: Warwick
EFEF 2009: Helsinki
EFEF 2008: Göteborg
EFEF 2007: Marseille
EFEF 2006: Zürich
EFEF 2005: Pavia
EFEF 2004: Berlin
EFEF 2003: Cambridge

© EFEF 2018, c/o Prof. Dr. G. Kanschat, IWR, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg
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